The sapphire is one of the most beautiful and prized gemstones in the world, and for good reason. Its deep blue color has made it a stone that symbolizes royalty, luxury, and wisdom. Not everyone knows, but sapphire belongs to the corundum mineral family, just like the ruby, which is a red version of the same material. In fact, sapphire comes in a variety of colors such as pink, yellow, purple, and even green, but the blue color is the most well-known and beloved.
Sapphire is not only beautiful but also extremely strong – on the Mohs hardness scale, it ranks second after diamond, with a hardness of 9 out of 10. This is why it is very suitable for jewelry such as rings and necklaces that remain durable for many years and are passed down from generation to generation.
One of the interesting things about sapphire is its connection to history and different cultures. For thousands of years, special virtues have been attributed to it. In the Middle Ages, for example, sapphire was believed to protect against evil and bring peace and tranquility to those who wear it. Even kings and nobles used to set sapphires in their crowns as a symbol of wisdom and divine connection.
In addition, sapphire became very popular thanks to the famous engagement ring of Princess Diana, which later passed to Princess Kate Middleton. The beautiful ring, decorated with a blue sapphire surrounded by white diamonds, made this stone an icon of romance and elegance and its endless references around the world.
Today, most high-quality sapphires come from places like Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Madagascar. Natural sapphires, especially those with a bright and deep blue color, can reach extremely high values, sometimes no less than diamonds. The darker its color, the higher its value.
Whether the sapphire is in a luxurious ring or a small amulet that brings good luck, it is impossible not to admire the depth and special beauty of this stone. Beyond its monetary value, it brings with it a sense of magic, mystery, and elegance that no other stone has.